West Side Story Wiki

Maria is the sister of Bernardo. She is played by Natalie Wood, however her singing is dubbed by Marni Nixon.



Maria is shown to be kind throughout the whole movie.


Maria: My brother is a silly watchdog! Bernardo: Ah, my sister is a precious jewel! Anita: What am I, cut glass?

Maria: All of you! You all killed him! And my brother, and Riff. Not with bullets, or guns, with hate. Well now I can kill, too, because now I have hate!

Tony: I- I didn't believe hard enough. Maria: Loving is enough. Tony: Not here. They won't let us be. Maria: Then we'll run away. Tony: Yeah, we can. Maria: Yes. Tony: We will... Maria: [singing] Hold my hand and we are halfway there, hold my hand and I'll take you there. Somehow! Someday! Some...

Maria: [singing] I feel pretty, oh so pretty! I feel pretty, and witty, and gay!

Maria: If Chino hurts him, if he touches him, I swear to you I'll... Anita: You'll do what Tony did to Bernardo? Maria: I love Tony. Anita: I know. I loved Benardo.

[last lines] Maria: Te adoro, Anton.

Tony: You're not thinking I'm someone else? Maria: I know you are not. Tony: Or that we've met before? Maria: I know we have not. Tony: I felt, I knew something never before was going to happen, had to happen. But this is so much more. Maria: My hands are cold. [he takes them in his] Maria: Yours too. [he moves them to his face] Maria: So warm. [she moves his to hers] Tony: So beautiful. Maria: Beautiful. Tony: It's so much to believe. You're not making a joke? Maria: I have not yet learned how to joke that way. I think now I never will.

Maria: [after discovering that Bernardo is killed] Make it not true, please make it not true!

Lieutenant Schrank: At the gym last night, your brother got into a heavy argument because you danced with the wrong boy. Maria: Yes Lieutenant Schrank: Who was that boy? Maria: Another from my country. Lieutenant Schrank: And his name? Maria: Jose.


  • Natalie Wood's singing was dubbed by Marni Nixon.
  • Maria is wearing a bracelet throughout the movie, it was actually used to cover an injury she had gotten.